It’s no secret around here that I am a terrible interior decorator. I read a lot of DIY blogs, home decor blogs–but I can never recreate ANYTHING for some reason! So for that reason, our bedroom has been the very last on the list of rooms that feel complete. (as is the kitchen, but that’s another post for another day.)
I was never really in love with the bedding we had– or the paint color of this room– but hubs was NOT about to paint and I couldn’t find anything I loved for under $150.
I was perusing through Target (my happy place!) with the kids and spotted this– the most gorgeous, not-too-girly, neutral comforter set– for $99. I did a little happy dance and placed it directly in my cart!
With the cream colored sheets we already have, a new gray through pillow from Bed Bath and Beyond, and two throw pillow covers from Etsy? I am IN LOVE with this new look.
(hooray iphone photo that makes the gray look brown. Whatever.)
throw pillow covers from Say It With Pillows on Etsy
As you can see by the above photo– we don’t have bedroom furniture. Our bed is on a box spring against the wall, and it’s always driven me insane. (We put that as a line item on our budget this year– we’ll see). I have always known that the giant wall behind our bed needed something, but I am SO terrible at decorating and putting things together . It has taken me almost 6 years to do ANYTHING! But–with the help of a few inspiration photos and the advice of my sister and friends, I present to you– the non-naked wall.
It looks SO much cozier in here. SO much. Even Brandon keeps commenting on how I should have done this a long time ago!
Next on the list for this room:
–new lamp shades
– change out the candles on the sconces
Sconces: A wedding gift
Mirrors: Hobby Lobby
LOVE mirror: Hobby Lobby
Frame around LOVE mirror: Hobby Lobby
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