Over the weekend, we had Brayden’s birthday party. It still hasn’t sunk in that he is 4!
I think he was mostly excited about his cake– decorated with Dusty Crophopper. (Seriously, I need it to be Auust 9 so he will quit asking me when we can see the movie!)
Then it was time for gifts, and he loved every single one. Planes stuff, Legos, a Red Rescue Bot (that we had to Google a week prior to even figure out what it was– thanks Uncle Wes and Aunt Bria!) , pajamas, and a Buzz Lightyear.
It was a successful (chilly) day. I remember two years ago moving his party indoors at the last minute because this pregnant lady wasn’t doing 100 degree heat! This year? We were bundled up in the breezy, 68 degree weather. We celebrated this sweet boy turning 4 and also surviving 4 years of parenting.
Next up: Planning for Kenley’s 2nd birthday!
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