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Kenley– 22 Months

Kenley at 22 months almost has me baffled. Not because of how fast time has been going (stop it, time!) but because she has turned into a little girl that I can’t predict.

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Kenley has been my rockstar sleeper since she was born. Sleeping through the night around 6 weeks, consistently taking naps, and most of the time? She sleeps past 8am. I knew that eventually this would come to a stop, but a screeching halt was not at ALL what I expected. Last Monday, she refused a nap. That continued every. single. day. until Sunday, and she conked out for 3 hours. FINALLY.  This Monday? No nap. Tuesday? 35 minute car nap on the way home from a play date. Yesterday? Up at 7am, asleep in my arms at 1ish. After an hour of trying to make her nap, I gave up. Today? Same thing. She melted down during bath time and was out about 5 minutes after I rocked her.


For one, she hasn’t had a fever, so I don’t think it’s ear infection or anything like that. She has two molars coming in so that HAS to be it. I mean, HAS TO BE. Poor baby.

In other news, Kenley is still a great eater. She eats pretty much anything, and if she tastes it and doesn’t like it, she spits it out, says “no, no” while shaking her head, and moves on. Hilarious. Her favorites include grapes, pizza, yogurt, oatmeal, crackers, cheese, apples, corn, green beans, chicken, and blueberries. She is more adventurous in the eating department than Brayden is, definitely!

Kenley is talking nonstop. Some words include: mommy, daddy, hi, bye, good night, Gus (my parent’s dog), good boy (to the dog), grandma, grandpa, Kenley, Eric, Jamie, patty cake, yes, no, baby, milk, pool, apple, cheese, poop (also funny), me, and several other two word phrases. She mimics pretty much everything. She can say her name and identify most people that she sees regularly by name.

She likes to look at books, do whatever Brayden is doing, swing, slide, and do Play-Doh. I think she is in for a rude awakening when Brayden starts school. They are inseparable, but don’t let that fool you. They don’t get along 100% of the time. We have been working on sharing toys and taking turns. Kenley is more aggressive when she is trying to get her way. She has started hitting so I have to keep an eye on her when she gets upset. She is quick to hug and say sorry–she’s a work in progress!

She still likes to be rocked at bedtime, still likes to be snuggled and loved on. She waves to pretty much anyone and anything, and her spunky personality is definitely noted by others. Basically, I think people just can’t wait to see how we handle her when she is 15. It should be fun.

Birthday party plans are already underway with the invitations almost ordered, cake ideas starting to form, and a list started. I can’t believe she is going to be TWO!

Kenley girl, we love you so so much!


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