If I had $1 for every time I have said “it’s just a phase” lately, I could BUY myself a new phase.
Kenley is still boycotting naps, and this week, instead of fighting her, I just didn’t give her the choice. I let her skip the nap. She generally falls asleep faster at bedtime, and for now, it’s working. She gets really whiny and cries a LOT from about 4-6pm but I am just toughing it out. Deep down, I still think that this will catch her and she will go back to taking naps, but if she doesn’t, I guess that’s ok. It was becoming stressful for me to try to get her to sleep at nap time AND bed time.
Last week while we were at my sister’s, Kenley fell asleep in Jamie’s arms in the pool.
Now, you tell me. Do you think she needs to keep naps? Judging by this picture? I think YES!
On Saturday, I noticed she was saying Oww when she peed in her diaper, and I was then thinking she had a UTI. Brandon took her down to the dr, and thankfully no UTI, just a bad rash. I thought maybe once she was feeling better, the naps would come back. So far? No.
It’s just a phase. I just decided to quit fighting it.
I am learning all sorts of new things about the age 4 also. Like how instant whining has come with every conversation that ends in me saying “no.”. And OH the questions. I shouldn’t be surprised. Brayden is the oldest, and is a product of two oldest children. OF COURSE he has to know everything! Most of the time, his questions are normal–like where are we, what’s next, etc. However, he is really terrible about asking the same question over and over again to see if my response changes. Example: “Can I have a fruit snack?” “No, because it’s 7am and you need to eat breakfast first. Would you like me to get you some breakfast and then later we can have a fruit snack?” “NOOOOOO I WANT A FRUIT SNACK (insert more whining, etc.). It just goes on and on and on. He’s persistent! I am trying to make them more teachable moments, but after 100 times of the same question and the same reason I am saying no? I just want it to stop.
It’s just a phase.
Overall, we have had some good days. I have been doing some organizing of clothes and cleaning closets, and 80% of the time, the kids play with each other and give me SOME space even though my quiet time is gone. We have been reading more books, coloring, and trying to establish some rest time.
Next week, Brayden starts school, we are thinking about trying MOPS, and then I am wanting to join the Women’s Bible Study at church as well. Our carefree summer schedule is almost gone, but for now, I am just trying to adapt to what the kids need, not fight them on what I think they need or what I want. It’s not always easy, but it’s working– and I will just keep doing what works! Because after all, it’s just a phase.
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