It’s been quiet(er) over here lately. I make no excuses or apologies. I have a real life outside of blogging, and most of the time, that wins.
My primary role is that of wife and mom, and in the last 3 weeks, it REALLY has had to be a priority.
No energy.
No alone time.
No inspiration.
Extra snuggles for the kids.
Extra time to care for myself.
It happens. It’s called life.
And honestly, I have had my camera out ONCE in the last 3 weeks, and only because I had a photo shoot.
Do I want to grow my blog? Yes. Do I want to engage more with you guys who come back day after day? Yes. But right now, in this season, it just isn’t a priority, and you know what? That’s ok.
I get overwhelmed reading posts about growing your blog and paying for readers and analytics and how to subscribe to blogs now that Google Reader is going away. It’s overwhelming to participate in link ups week after week when I am barely getting out of my yoga pants. (I LOVE doing these posts–but lately, I just can’t get motivated!) It’s hard to read tweets about growing sponsorships and doing it the “right” way and blogger vs. wordpress and I really just needed to take a step back.
I don’t get to sit in front of a computer all day every day. I don’t get countless hours to brainstorm for this little space online. I don’t get paid to blog. Do I love the community I have here? Absolutely. Do I wish I could spend more time on Twitter/Pinterest/Instagram or dreaming up inspiring posts to draw people in? YES! Do I wish I could spend hours learning and excelling at Photoshop and making pretty graphics with pretty fonts? Yes. Do I wish I could spend all day networking with “bigger” bloggers and companies and promote everything I love? YES.
But truthfully, I can’t. Not now.
Right now, the important ones are the other 3 people living under this roof. And right now, they have to be my number one.
I want to be inspired. I want to grow. I want to take beautiful photos and share them here. I want to share real life stories, moments about my kids now that I want to treasure. And I will.
I just need to take a step back.
© 2013, julie. All rights reserved. Love it? Print, email, pin, tweet or share but please don’t use my work without permission.