Part of me hates unloading and loading the dishwasher.
But all of me is thankful that we have dishes to eat off of and food to eat.
Part of me hates doing the laundry.
But all of me feels blessed to be able to clothe my children.
Part of me hates cooking.
But all of me is thankful that I know how to prepare a meal for my family or others.
Part of me gets irritated when my best laid plans go awry.
But all of me knows that life is not mine to control.
Part of me wants to expand our family because I know that children are a blessing.
But all of me can’t commit to that idea when I am feeling overwhelmed as it is.
Part of me has bigger hopes and dreams that I fear I will never accomplish.
But all of me knows that He has the plan that is best.
Part of me knows that sometimes, parenting is hard.
But all of me knows that being a mother is a calling and a blessing, and for that I am thankful. Even on the days where the silver lining is hard to find.
© 2013, julie. All rights reserved. Love it? Print, email, pin, tweet or share but please don’t use my work without permission.