I love coffee, love love love it. But unfortunately, I am pretty far away from the nearest Starbucks. It’s taken me awhile, but I have finally perfected my favorite iced coffee recipe– I just can’t get enough!
What you will need:
-brewed coffee (cup with combines, optional!)
- vanilla almond milk
-vanilla coffee syrup
- ice
—whipped cream and caramel not necessary, but they ARE fun!
First, I brew a cup of coffee with my Keurig using the smallest setting. I fill my Tervis with ice, pour in half of the cup of coffee. Then, add 1/2 oz -1 oz of vanilla syrup. Fill the rest of the cup up with your almond milk, stir, and voila! The perfect cup of iced coffee.
**One other thing, this blog will be changing this weekend (!!!!) to www.basicallyjulie.com! How exciting! Everything should auto-redirect for you! Can’t wait to show you my new site!!
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