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I have been busy with photo sessions! I have had two so far this week, and one tomorrow. It has been fantastic– I am thrilled with the turnouts! Go check out my Facebook page or my photography website to catch up on my latest sessions. They have gone wonderfully, I LOVE being behind the lens this much. It does wonders for my creative energy.

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After upgrading my camera earlier this year, I have never felt 100% confident with it. There is just SO much to learn! But lately, I feel a lot more confident, and tons more creative.

In other news– the kids and I are just staying busy. Brayden is done with school for the year, and we have been filling our days with outings, fun lunches, puzzles, and being outside. No big summer plans so far– just enjoying nights on the patio with a “campfire” as Brayden says, walks to get the mail in the mornings, and being outside as much as possible.

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First day of school vs. last day of school. Also? Stripes!

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We have also been wearing party hats. I think all Thursdays should require them.


© 2013, julie. All rights reserved. Love it? Print, email, pin, tweet or share but please don’t use my work without permission.

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